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Ronnell Dela Rosa


Ethical Practice, 3D Printing, Integrative Review, Nursing Science


3D printing has revolutionized healthcare in particular to medical and nursing sciences. 3D printing often uses additive manufacturing.  3D printing could transform nursing education, research, and caring encounters using new technologies raise ethical difficulties and non-implementing policies to a model development and innovations.  This study focuses on the literature review of ethical undertaking of 3D printing in nursing science. It uses the framework of Knaff and Whittemore (2005) on Integrative literature reviews using PRISMA as illustration of analysis. Proquest, Elsevier, Hindawi, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline Plus, and Ebsco searched 3D printing ethical research. "3D Printing," "Ethics in 3D Printing," "Prototyping," and "Rapid Manufacturing" were searched for 2010 English articles. Eight studies were identified and determined relevant to this literature review. This study also discussed merging empirical and theoretical reporting, and documentation assessed policy. Focused group discussions and Roundtable Discussions tied it to current Intellectual Property Rights printing law and 3rd printing ethics. Study review experts/validators' matrix and selection criteria formed a rubric. Members checking were facilitated. Results recommended assessment of nursing encounter on the use of 3D printing technologies, their knowledge and awareness are both vital. Also, this may be served as platform institutionally to create a model, program and reconstitute a particular policy to ensure ethical conformation to the nursing science whether in education, service and community nursing works.

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