A Study To Explore The Factors Contributing To Under Nutrition And Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Nurse Lead Interventional Package On Knowledge And Attitude Of Mothers And Nutritional Status Of Under Five Children At Rural Areas Of Selected PHC, Vijay

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Nabilal mulla , Dr Ninganagouda G Patil


Under Nutrition, Mothers, Under five children, Knowledge, Attitude, Nutritional status.


Under nutrition is a serious health issue among majority of economically
developing countries. It will be acting as silent factors which will be killing under five children
day by day by deteriorating their health. Multiple factors are responsible for under nutrition
mainly it is occurring because of imbalanced food in quality and quantity. Some of the factors
like not feeding the child with breast milk, inappropriate information of child rearing and
caring, uneducated mother, low socio economic condition of family , lack of government
support, climate change, rituals, cultural restrictions of food are responsible for under nutrition.
Based on various literatures researcher found that the incidence of disease, death with under
nutrition are more evident among children bellow the age of five years. If mothers educated
properly with any of the reliable nutrition education programmes like nurse lead interventional
package it will be made great impact on improvement in maintaining nutritional status among
children of age bellow five years.

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