Biosynthesis of lemon seed conjugated silver nanoparticles lemon seeds and its anti-microbial activity against oral pathogens

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Rahul Rahul kanumuru
Ramya Ramadoss
Lakshmi Trivandrum Anandapadmanabhan
Suganya Panneer Selvam
Sandhya Sundar
Pratibha Ramani
Rajesh Kumar Shanmugam


Biosynthesis, pathogens, anti-microbial, nanoparticles


Introduction: Citrus fruits are native and abundantly grown in South Asia. They are good source of vitamin C and have for ever been in the medical books for their biological/biomedical importance and there is considerable evidence that citrus fruits may help reduce risk and return the growth of several serious diseases this research particularly aims to assess the anti-microbial activity of silver nanoparticles of lemon seeds on oral pathogens since this side is yet to be explored.
Materials and methods: The lemon seed was ground and prepared with silver nanoparticles using silver nitrate and centrifuged using micro pipette, the solution was tested on petri plates where oral pathogens were cultivated the final readings were taken and grab voice plotted using SPSS software.
Results and discussion: The results were overwhelming and almost as good as a standard antibiotic. This could potentially pave way to pharma industry since lemon seeds were never used before.
Conclusion: Silver nanoparticles with lemon seeds shows antimicrobial properties. Further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed.

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