Does Functional Movement Analysis and Balance Have A Relationship With Body Awareness Level?

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Ülviye Bilgin
İlyas Okan
Belgin Gökyürek
Mergül Çolak
Ayşen Kaba


Functional movement analysis, Dynamic balance, Body awareness


This study was carried out to examine the relationship between functional movement analysis and dynamic balance and body awareness levels in active athletes.
24 active athletes who train at least 5 days a week participated in the study. Functional Movement Screen (FMS) (Functional Movement Screen) consisting of 7 movements was applied to the participants. Dynamic balance were measured with Y-Balance Test (YBT) and body awareness were established with Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ).
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 26.0 package program was used for statistical analysis of the data. Descriptive statistics were given as mean and standard deviation. Spearman correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the variables.
A moderate positive correlation (r=.671; p<.000) was found between FMS and BAQ, and FMS and the other parameters. In addition, moderate relationship was determined between BAQ and YBT in the dominant foot anterior (A), posteromedial (PM), posterolateral (PL) and composite values.
In conclusion, as BAQ levels increase, athletes’ FMS scores and only YBT values of dominant leg increased. In addition, as the FMS scores increased the YBT scores except for the anterior right (AR) and left (AL) leg also increased. Because of the positive relationship between FMS, YBT and BAQ, it is thought that controlling FMS, YBT and BAQ can give coaches important clues to predict the injury risk of athletes.

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