Assessment of Early Childhood Development using scales used in America and Europe: Review of the literature

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Karina Elizabeth Bravo Gonzáles
Ilmer Neira Zurita
Miguel Ángel Bravo Gonzáles
Jajayra Esmeralda Anthuaned Bravo Gonzáles
Gaby García Choquehuanca


early childhood development, measurement scales, early childhood, literature review


Introduction: The article aims to carry out a review of the literature on scales for measuring early childhood development used in America and Europe. To carry out this work, Kitchenham's proposal was followed.
Subjects and Method: Systematic literature search. Participants: Primary studies whose population corresponds to boys and girls from 0 to 5 years old. Types of studies: Those studies in which the last methods were quantitative or quantitative published in the 5 years were included. Databases: Scopus, ProQuest, SciELO and ScienceDirect, it is worth mentioning that the search string was different for each database.
Results: 17 articles remain for analysis.
Conclusion: The articles obtained helped us to answer the three questions posed, the first one refers to the instruments that exist to measure early childhood development during the last 5 years, where the Bayley scale and the Psychomotor Development Test stand out ( TEPSI) in the year 2017 and 2019; Regarding the second question focused on the most cited authors about measuring early childhood development during the last 5 years, Huertas Y, Castro F, Guil R, Ponce J and Robles MA stand out; The third and last question is focused on the countries that have published the most on measuring early childhood development, with Mexico and Spain being the most prominent in terms of the number of publications during the last five years.

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