Elucidation of neuroprotective potential of Basella alba extracts in chronic alcohol and aluminium chloride induced neurodegeneration

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Mahesh G
Kavimani S


Basella Alba, Aluminium chloride, Morris water maze, Neuroprotection


Basella alba is an edible herb which is widely using as dietary supplement in southern part of India. It is also known as Malabar Spinach, the present study designed to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of Basella alba in chronic alcohol and Aluminium chloride induced neuro degeneration rat model. Two types of extraction have used in the present study, aqueous extraction and ether extraction both were shown potential anti-oxidant property and exhibited neuroprotective effect. The biochemical and behavioral parameters were evaluated and it has shown significant improvement as compared with disease control group at a concentration of 200 mg/kg in both aqueous and ether extracts. An enzyme Acetylcholine esterase (AchE) was notably down regulated and enhanced cognitive functioning in treatment groups. The behavioral parameters such as locomotor activity (p <0.001), Morris water maze (p<0.001) and elevated plus maze (p<0.001) results ware proved that Basella Alba extract is neuroprotective.

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