Effectiveness Of Oral Glucose To Relieve Pain Among Infants During Venflon Insertion

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Raj Vishnoi
Basavaraj Mudhol


Effectiveness, Pain, Infants, Oral Glucose, Venflon Insertion


Pain is comprehensive childhood experience which includes emotional, physiological, and social dimensions. In modern times, insertion of venflon is an ongoing cause of distress in hospitalized infants and in medical practice. According to WHO, treatment of pain is a fundamental human right which needs specialized techniques. The primary aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of glucose in relieving infants' pain during insertion of venflon. The investigation was carried out at TMU Hospital, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. The sample was chosen using a simple random probability sampling technique. Following that, samples were separated into two groups: intervention and observation. The infants in the study were divided into 15 intervention and 15 observation groups. According to the study's findings, out of 15 infants in the intervention group, 6 (40%) reported mild discomfort, 9 (60%) reported moderate discomfort, and none reported severe discomfort. However, out of the 15 infants in the observation group, 11 (73.3%) had severe discomfort, 4 (26.7%) had moderate discomfort, and none had light discomfort. Infants experience discomfort and distress after the venflon insertion, hence it is important to specify whether pharmaceutical or non-pharmacological interventions should be used to lessen the newborns' suffering. The study's findings suggested that administering oral glucose is simpler, safer, and more cost-effective than using extra pharmaceutical painkillers.

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