Leadership Styles and its Impact on Employee Performance: An empirical investigation of Riyadh Private Hospitals

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Saad AlFlayyeh
Abdulaziz Bakheet M Alghamdi


Leadership styles, Saudi Arabia, Transformational, Transactional, Authoritative


The type of leadership used in an organization has a significant impact on employee performance and productivity. Transformational and transactional leadership are effective in enhancing employee performance, along with authentic and servant leadership. However, the effectiveness of different leadership styles may vary depending on cultural factors, and leaders should adjust their styles accordingly. A study was conducted in Saudi Arabia's healthcare sector to investigate the impact of different leadership styles on employee performance. The study revealed that transformational, transactional, and authoritative leadership styles had a positive impact on employee performance, whereas laissez-faire leadership did not. The study also found that age, gender, and education level influenced leadership style preferences. Organizations should offer leadership training and development to employees at all levels, considering the education level's effect on leadership style preferences.

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