Assessment Of Quality Of Life And Cognitive Function In Patients With Primary Hypothyroidism

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N.K. Kayumova
J.A. Nazarova
L.Kh. Mamadinova
I.A. Abbosova
G.T. Abduvalieva


vestibulocerebellar disorders, extrapyramidal disorders, hypothyroid myopathy and myotonic phenomenon, psycho-emotional and intellectual disorders


Currently, hypothyroidism (HT) is one of the most common forms of endocrine pathology. The prevalence of overt hypothyroidism is 0.2 - 2%, subclinical - 10% (4.5).
The relevance of the problem of hypothyroidism in the clinical practice of doctors of various specialties is due to the fact that with a deficiency of thyroid hormones, severe disorders develop in all organs and systems without exception. The multiorganism of the lesion includes the problems of thyroidology in the sphere of interests of representatives of various disciplines. This fully applies to the effect of hypothyroidism on the mental and neurological status of patients (6,7).

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