Apical extrusion of debris during instrumentation using three different rotary file systems in permanent teeth- in vitro study

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S.Delphine Priscilla Antony
Pradeep Solete
Adimulapu Hima Sandeep


Debris extrusion, Neo Endo, Protaper Gold, ProFit S3, single canal


Aim: Invitro study aimed to compare the amount of debris that is extruded during instrumentation using three different rotary endodontic files system.
Methodology: Thirty Human single rooted teeth were categorized into 3 groups (n=30). Group 1- Protaper Gold (n=10); Group 2- Neo Endo (n=10) and Group 3-Profit S3 (n=10). According to the Myers and Montgomery protocol, the apically extruded material was collected in pre-weighed Eppendorf tubes. The mean weight of debris was measured with a microbalance after drying and statistically evaluated using one-way ANOVA and post hoc test.
Results: Profit S3 showed lesser debris extrusion than PTG and Neo Endo. There was statistically significant results obtained between the three groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Although all three rotary files caused apical debris extrusion, the Profit S3 showed significantly less debris extrusion than other two rotary files.
discourteous behaviors, followed by verbal discourteous ranging between abusive to very abusive as the second level, and physical discourteous stand for the third one.

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