Variations in the root canal anatomy of mandibular anterior teeth in the South Indian population

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Astha Bramhecha
Manish Ranjan
Srujana Hemmanur


Cone beam computed tomography, Mandibular incisors, Mandibular canines, Root canal anatomy


Aim: The objective of this study was to use CBCT to assess the variations in root canal anatomy of the mandibular central and lateral incisors and canines in the South Indian population.
Materials and methods: This retrospective CBCT study was done to investigate 1152 permanent mandibular anterior teeth (378 centrals, 384 laterals, and 390 canines) acquired from 200 CBCT images, of which 96 were males and 104 were females, with ages ranging from 20-65 years, acquired from the AxeosTM Imaging System (Dentsply Sirona). Slices of 0.2 mm thickness in the axial, sagittal and coronal planes were then selected. Galileos software (Dentsply Sirona) was used to study the images on a computer in a semi-dark room with a constant intensity of light. After this, the incisors and canine root canals were classified based on Vertucci’s classification and tabulated.
Results: Statistical analysis was done by chi square test and Mann-Whitney U test to assess the prevalence of various canal configurations. Out of 1152 assessed mandibular anterior teeth, 51.85% central incisors(193/368), 61.45% lateral incisors (236/376) and 44.10% canines had type III canal configuration. The most common canal configuration observed in mandibular central and lateral incisors was Type III, followed by Type I. On the other hand, Type I configuration was more prevalent in canines, particularly in the left mandibular canines, followed by Type III.
Conclusion: A higher number of participants had Vertucci’s type III classification, followed by type I. A higher prevalence of two canals was seen in males compared to females.

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