Comparative Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Property Of Carica Papaya Leaf And Seed Extract - An Invitro Study

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Nishitha Arun
Sindhu Ramesh
Anjali Sankar


Carica papaya, papaya seed extract, papaya leaf extract, anti-inflammatory property, antioxidant property, medical, health


Introduction: Carica papaya is widely known for its medicinal properties. Various parts of papaya such as the seeds, leaves, fruit, and latex are used worldwide therapeutically for maintaining health and also treatment of diseases. Literature has also reported the prominent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of C.papaya. The aim of the study is to comparatively evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of c.papaya leaf and seed extracts.
Materials and Method: The C.papaya seed and leaf extracts were prepared by adding 300mg of the shade dried powder to 300mL of ethanol and placing it in a shaker for 24 hours. The Ant-inflammatory activity was determined using Albumin Denaturation Assay. The Antioxidant activity was determined using DPPH Assay.
Results: C.papaya leaf extract showed higher anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant properties at 100,200 and 300μL compared to standard and at all concentrations compared to C.papaya seed extract.
Conclusion: C.papaya leaf extract showed superior anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties compared to C.papaya seed extract at all concentrations. The concentration, the method of extraction and solvent used plays an important role in the activity of the phytochemicals present in extract. Further cell line and animal studies are necessary to validate the clinical use of these phytochemicals present in C.papaya extract.

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