Information Preserving and Edge Smoothening of Fetal Heart Chamber Using SRDCF with Total Variation

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C Shobana Nageswari
Mukesh S
S.Gayathri Priya
N. Vini Antony Grace


Spatially Regularized Discriminative Correlation Filter, Discriminative Correlation Filter, Total Variation Denoising, Speckle Noise


Speckle is an inherent coarse noise that degrades medical ultrasound images. A point is created by the interference of the return wave in the sensor hole. In each resolution cell, several primary scatterers replicate the wave impinging on the sensor. In addition, the obtained images are corrupted by random grain patterns, making image interpretation difficult. Stains may contain useful diagnostic information. The smoothness of spotting depends on the application and knowledge of the doctor. In this work, preprocessing of fetal heart ultrasound images using a Spatially Regularized Discriminative Correlation Filter (SRDCF) with total variation is introduced to preserve fetal heart information and smooth edges. Then qualitatively and quantitatively compare the performance of the proposed filter with conventional methods.

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