The Relationship Between Lower and Upper Extremity Strength Performance and Body Image Perception in Adolescent Athletes

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Nebahat Eler
Serdar Eler


body image perception, handball, volleyball, adolescent, strength


Body image perception is defined as the idea, feeling, and thought that an individual has about their body or the image that the body creates in the mind. It is believed that sports, physical activity, and exercise have a beneficial effect on body image perception since they enhance the individual's physical fitness and ability level. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between lower and upper extremity strength performance and body image perception in adolescent athletes participating in different sports disciplines. A total of 102 handball and 99 volleyball players between the ages of 15-17 voluntarily participated in this study. The standing long jump test was applied for lower extremity strength performance, and the medicine ball throw (2 kg) test was used for upper extremity strength performance. The athletes' body image perception was evaluated using the Body Image Scale (BIS). Since the variables had a normal distribution, the t-test was used for the analysis of demographic variables (gender, ideal weight, discipline), and Pearson correlation analysis was used for the analysis of continuous variables' relationships. The IBM-SPSS-21 program was used for data analysis. There was no statistically significant relationship found between body image perception and gender, discipline, and age. Statistically significant relationships were found between body image perception and lower and upper extremity strength parameters, height, sports age, body weight, and the perception of being at ideal weight. Positive relationships were detected between athletes' lower and upper extremity strength parameters and body image perception. As a result, a positive relationship was found between adolescent athletes' lower and upper extremity strength parameters and body image perception. The athletes' body image perception scores increased positively as their muscle strength increased. It is recommended to conduct this study in different age groups, different sports disciplines, or to investigate the effects of strength training on body image perception.

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