Early Pregnancy In Times Of Covid-19 Pandemic: Importance Of Sex Education

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Ana Disney Martínez Ocampo
Angela Verónica Romero Cárdenas


Early pregnancy, covid-19, sex education, pandemic, unwanted pregnancy, prevention


Purpose: This paper of scientific reflection aims to analyze the context of early and unwanted pregnancy in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, considering the importance of sexual education and handling the hypothesis of the influence of confinement as a risk factor in the topic under discussion, as well as considering the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 of quarantine in Latin America, Colombia, the Caribbean region and the ethnic groups.
Methodology: From the methodological perspective of the development of the research of the reflection article, it retakes the findings of previous studies of international organizations to analyze them from a pedagogical and holistic approach, taking into account the study in an observational and cross-sectional way.
Results: According to the statistical contributions of the last three years of the pandemic on early and unwanted pregnancy, it is prudent to contrast the results obtained by entities such as WHO, UNICEF and UN, considering the relevance of DANE, which show figures of an increase of 22.2% pregnancies in girls from 10 to 14 years old and 6.3% in the second quarter of 2021, in which it was demonstrated that there was a high rate of early and unwanted pregnancies as a result of confinement in Colombia. Analysis: Obviously, there is a lack of sexual education due to the high rate of pregnancies in the forties, along with free time, misinformation and the stress of confinement experienced by adolescents and adults.
Reflection: In any case, at all times, sex education from an early age remains a point of great importance within formal and non-formal education in society to prevent early and unwanted pregnancies, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

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