Risk Factors of Patients with Gangrene Pedis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Followed by Anti-Diabetic and Insulin Drug Therapy

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R Mohamad Javier
Dani Pratama Febrianto
Muhammad Furkan
Musthofa Chandra Ramabuana
Cahya Ramadhan
Ridlo Ruditya Putra
Liofelita Christi Adhi Mulia
Badrul Munir
Yuswar Nurullah Sukin
Moch. Aleq Sander


Gas gangrene, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Debridement, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.e


Introduction: Gastriene gas is an extremely lethal infection in the inner soft fingers, commonly caused by gram-positive bacteria such Staphylococcus aureus or Clostridium perifingens, and has symptoms similar to those of type 2 diabetes mellitus, including muscle necrosis and myontrosis. Hyperglycemia and glucosuria are two symptoms of diabetes mellitus, which is a group of symptoms induced by an imbalance between carbs, lipids, and proteins due to absolute and relative insulin insufficiency.
Purpose: secondary data analysis at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital during the period of January 2021 - March 2022 to characterize the type II diabetic patients who suffered from gas gangrene of the feet.
Method: This investigation is a cohort retrospective design observational study (Non-Experimental Design). Type II Diabetic Mellitus patients treated at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital between January 2021 and March 2022 made up the study's sample.
Results: The p value for Gas Treatment in cases of Wagner Grade 2 or 3 Gangrene of the Feet is 0.2199. Wagner Grade and Gas Treatment for Gangrene of the Feet are not significantly related to debridement action (n = 8) or the most common bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa; n = 4)..
Conclusion: If a patient with pedis gangrene gas has a history of not consistently regulating their disease because of the effects of diabetes mellitus medication, they are more likely to experience progressive worsening of their condition as a result of metabolic neuropathy. The results of treatment vary from patient to patient.

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