Association among organizational citizenship behaviour and Psychological well-being: Mediating effet of Emotioal Intelligence: An empirical study concerning Information Technology employees

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KDV Prasad


Organizational citizenship behaviour, Emotional Intelligence, Psychological well-being, Cronbach’s alpha, Model-fit indices


This paper presents the structural equation modeling results on the Association among organizational citizenship behaviour and Psychological well-being: Mediating effet of Emotioal Intelligence: An empirical study concerning Information Technology employees in and around Hyderabad, an Indian Metr. The influence of the three construct of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and with three sub-scales – consciousness, civic virtue, and altruism; the construct Emotional Intelligence with three sub-scales – self-awareness, empathy and managing emotions; on the psychological well-being construct with four sub-scales of psychological well-being – autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth and self-acceptance were measured. The reliability of the the survey instrument, the questionnaire was estimated measuring the Cronbach’s alpha regliability statistic which ranged from 0.795 to 0.910 indicating reliability and internal consistency. The model fit indicates indicate good-fir of the model. The structural equation model results reveal that organizational citizenship behaviour and emotional intelligence has statistically significant (p<0.001) influence on psychological well-being of information technology enabled employees. Further, emotional intelligence has a mediating effect among organizational citizenship behaviour and psychological well-being of the information technology employees. The appropriate emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behaviour enhances the employee performance. The results presented in the manuscript.

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