Examination Of Hearing-Improved Students’ Exam Anxiety Levels For Physical Education Lesson

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Ayla Karakullukçu


Hearing Impaired, Physical Education, Exam Anxiety, Student


The purpose of this study was to examine hearing-improved students’ exam anxiety levels for physical education lesson. Survey method was used for this study. The sample of the study consists of 200 hearing-impaired students who were determined by the convenience sampling method and agreed to participate voluntarily. Data were collected with “personal information form” and ““Revised Test Anxiety and Regulatory dimension of anxiety in Physical Education scale (RTAR-PE)”. SPSS 26.0 package programme was utilized for statistical calculation. Descriptive statistics and Manova test were used in the analysis. Results showed that there was a significant difference between gender and physical symptoms which was one of the sub-dimensions of test anxiety for physical education lesson. Follow-up test indicated that girls had higher text anxiety for physical education lesson than boys. Results also demonstrated that there was no significant difference between participating sportive facilities variable and all sub-dimensions of test anxiety for physical education lesson.

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