Effect of Vitamin A and Zinc Supplementation on the Hematological Values of School children
Main Article Content
anemia; supplementation; vitamin A; zinc; hemoglobin
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, childhood and gender-related anemia is a global issue that is dealt with via adequate prevention, treatment, and screening. It is estimated that anemia affects about 50% of the children under the age of 5 and 25% of children aged 6–12 years worldwide.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of vitamin A and zinc supplementation on the hematological values of schoolchildren.
Methods: This was an experimental prospective study, which was carried out in an educational center in Zulia State, Venezuela. The population included 202 schoolchildren, 80 of which were selected from the municipality of Maracaibo, Zulia State. The population was divided into three subgroups: Group 1 consisted of 29 children receiving vitamin A + zinc, Group 2 consisted of 25 children receiving vitamin A, and Group 3 consisted of 26 children receiving zinc. A bioclinical, biochemical, and nutritional evaluation were performed pre- and post- supplementation. An ANOVA test was applied to the mean values before and after supplementation. Percentage values were compared with Fisher’s test.
Results: There was a high frequency of eutrophic male children (55%). Group 2 (n = 25 children), supplemented only with vitamin A, had better results regarding low hemoglobin levels (12.54 ± 0.64), followed by the group supplemented with only zinc (12.12 ± 1.05).
Conclusion: The study demonstrates the benefits of vitamin A and zinc supplementation in reducing the signs of anemia in the children studied.
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