Resin Bonded Bridges - A Review of the Literature

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Ojasvini Arora
Vinay Sivaswamy


resin bonded , fixed partial denture, resin cement


In the 1970s, dentists began using resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (RBFPDs). Ever since then, there have been various advancements in the same. This review was done to assess the survival rates, complications and bonding options of resin bonded bridges. A MEDLINE search was completed till June 2021, along with a manual search, to locate related articles on the topic. It was found that resin bonded bridges are a conservative and viable treatment option for tooth replacement with comparable survival rates as fixed dental prostheses and implant supported restorations for upto 5 years. However, careful case selection, material selection and bonding protocol are essential to ensure success of the restoration.

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