Oral Health Related Quality Of Life Among Children, Adults, And Elderly Population In Southern Part Of India- A Systematic Review

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Hariprasath Nagarajan
I. Meignana Arumugham Indiran
Sri Sakthi D


Ohrqol,Ohip, Oidp, C-Oidp, Gohai, Dental Caries, Malocclusion


Background/Introduction: Dental diseases especially the ones like dental caries, malocclusion and traumatic dental injuries affect not only the functional ability and aesthetic appearance of the person but also the psychological aspect of the individual which in turn may influence the self-esteem, socializing and inter-personal relationship of the individual, thus disturbing Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL)
Aim: The aim of the review is to assess the impact of oral health related quality of life among children, adolescents and elderly population in the southern part of India.
Materials and methods: An extensive literature search in PubMed, Cochrane, science direct, Google Scholar and TRIP were performed to identify the oral health related quality of life among children, adolescents and elderly population. We include 26 observational studies in this review. Newcastle Ottawa risk of bias assessment tool for observational studies was used to assess the risk of bias across the included studies.
Results: The oral health related quality of life was found to be better among children, adolescents in comparison to elderly population. Similarly, males have better oral health related quality of life than females. Also, rural populations have compromised quality of life than the urban population in South India. The risk of bias across the included studies was found to be moderate.
Conclusion: The OHRQOL can provide the basis for any oral health-care program and it has to be considered one of the important elements of the Global oral health program. Educating these patients about promoting good oral health and preventive care will be crucial. Dental education has to make a contribution if this situation is to change.

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