Comparison of the effect of different lingual arch space maintainers on oral health in children- A randomised clinical trial

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Janvi M Gandhi
Vignesh R


Functional lingual arch, space maintainer, space loss, premature loss, functional space maintainer


Background: Fixed functional space maintainers are found to be associated with increased plaque accumulation when compared to removable space maintainers or conventional fixed space maintainers.
Aim: To evaluate the effects of different lingual arch space maintainers on the oral health of children.
Materials & Methods: 20 patients selected between the ages 7-9 for whom fixed lingual arch space maintainers were indicated.
Group 1 (n=10)- Conventional lingual arch space maintainer, Group 2 (n=10)- Functional lingual arch space maintainer. The plaque index (PI), gingival index (Gl), records were obtained at four time periods; T1: before insertion of appliance, T2: 3 months after insertion, T3: 6 months after insertion, T4: 12 months after insertion.
Results: The results depicted that in both functional and conventional lingual arch groups plaque index did not differ significantly during intergroup comparison but intragroup comparison for both groups at different time intervals showed increased plaque accumulation (p value-0.001), especially around the band region of both the appliances and beneath the acrylic resin in the functional group. The changes in the gingival index did not differ significantly between the conventional and functional group at any of the measurement periods (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Fixed space maintainers lead to increased plaque accumulation around the banded molars in children. After a regular follow up of 1 year, increased plaque accumulation was seen in both groups especially after 6 months and 12 months. Proper maintenance and strict oral hygiene measures must be practised during the use of these appliances.

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