Estimation of Chronological Age Based on third Molar Development in Basra Population

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Shams Kadhum Mohammed
Rawaa Saadoon hashim
Dana R. mohammed


Third molar, Demergian method, Gat’s method, Panoramic Radiographs


Age determination for both living and non-living things is crucial, hence the goal of this study was to assess the validity of the Demirjian and Gat technique for age determination based on the growth of the third molar. To determine chronological age using stages from (A-H) Demerjian's approach and stages (1-6) Gat's method, a cross-sectional study was conducted. In the city of Basra, we looked into the third molar development of Iraqis. The T-test, Kappa test, and descriptive statistics were assessed Findings shows there were no significant differences found in our study between mineralization of right and left lower third molar P=0.05, faster third molar development in females than male.
Conclusion: third molar maturity is earlier in female than male and there's perfect agreement between the two methods in age detection.

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