Dertermination of the Parameters Kinetic Growth to the Culture Algal Biomass from Locumba River in Peru for its future use in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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Sheyla Zevallos-Feria
Vilma Dianderas
Lina Quispe
Kattia Martínez
Derly Ortiz
Ygor Sanz
Sheyla Figueroa
Elizabeth Figueroa
Teresa Cano de Terrones


Microalgae, foliar fertilizer, liquid biomass, secondary metabolites


Microalgae form the basis of the trophic chain of the aquatic environment and they have diverse applications in the pharmaceutical industry. We collect samples of local microalgae from Locumba River, in Tacna, Perú. They were isolated, morphologically described as Ankistrodesmus sp, Tetraselmis striata and Stichococcus sp. Then, they were adapted to the culture technology of the Aquaculture Research Laboratory of IMARPE-Ilo up to 20 L in controlled environment, at 21°C ± 1°C, pH 7.7, 2126 Lux, dissolved oxygen 6.04 mg/L, salinity 35146 PSU, and applying two kinds of nutrient F/2 Guillard and Bayfolan. Specific growth rate (μ), doubling time (tD) and cell density (C.D.) have measured and analysed. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the two fertilizers. Bayfolan proved to be more efficient than F/2 Guillard to produce 1000 L of local microalgae to obtain wet biomass that favors the subsequent extraction of secondary metabolites.

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