Alteration of lipid profile, kidney functions, D-dimer and some anti- inflammatory parameters in samples of Iraqi patients with Covid-19

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Noor Ghassan Elias
Raghda Shams Akram
Yassamen Samer Abd Aon


Five Minute Preceptor, critical thinking, nursing profession students


Objective: The Aim of our research was to look into the association between various biochemical indicators and COVID-19 infection in Baghdad, Iraq.
Methods: From the 15th of March to the August 2022, a cohort of 45 people with positively COVID-19 and 45 healthy controls visited Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. All of the patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are experiencing symptoms and indicators. Each of the patients and healthy controls had their whole blood samples taken to be analyzed for; Lipid profile (triglycerides, Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) values) Kidney function test (Urea and Creatinine), by using an enzymatic method , Anti-inflammation parameters (INF-, TGF, Interleukin—12, and Interleukin 18), The (Biosours) ELISA kit was used to assess the results., and D-dimer was quantified using mini vidas kits donated by Bio Meriux-France.
Results: The results showed that The majority of COVID-19 patients showed elevated lipid profiles and kidney function tests, as well as the anti-inflammatory parameters with increase the levels of D-dimer compared to healthy controls.
Conclusion: The present study concludes that Covid-19 cause alteration in lipid profile, kidney functions, D-dimer and some anti- inflammatory parameters.

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