Knowledge and Attitudes among Malaysian Employers in Accepting Adults with Autism spectrum disorder as Employees or Colleagues in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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Vanessa Choy WY
Deepthi Shridhar
Halima Sadia Hakim
Vasu N
Farzana Y
Theingi Maung Maung
Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir
Lubna Shirin
Prabal Bhargava
Norsyaqina S
Rubaiyat Siddique Diba
Nathan Vytialingam
Nazmul MHM


Autism spectrum disorder, employment, knowledge, attitudes, Malaysian Employers


Apart from facing difficulties graduating from high school, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have significantly reduced opportunities in securing employment. This study aims to provide a quantitative analysis of Malaysian employers’ knowledge, level of management practiced, career fields, types of relationships with persons on the autism spectrum and attitudes in accepting adults
with ASD as employees or colleagues in Klang Valley. The sample for this study was obtained from conferences and seminars. One hundred and forty-five participants (n = 145) took part in this study by completing a series of questionnaires consisting of the participants’ demographics, knowledge in autism and acceptance of individuals with ASD. Results indicate that there are negative correlations between the participants’ knowledge on ASD, the level of management practiced and their level of acceptance of adults with ASD as employees or colleagues (p > 0.05). It was also found that there is no association between the career fields, types of relationship with persons on the autism spectrum and the level of acceptance (p > 0.05). As a conclusion, occupational therapists should play a more active role in supporting these individuals in obtaining and maintaining employment and advocating for the rights to employment as well as eliminating workplace discrimination towards adults with ASD.

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