Effectiveness of Administrator Leadership Training Learning in improving the competence of Echelon III officials in Palopo City Government

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Nur Indrayati Nur Indar
Badu Achmad
Muhammad Akmal Ibrahim


Effectiveness, Competence, government officials, Training.


Background: Human resource development, especially in government organizations, is the main requirement in supporting the progress of the organization. Leadership training is a strategic step that will make this happen. Administrator leadership training to improve the competence of officials in Palopo City, especially Echelon III, has been implemented every year, but has not been able to produce leaders who are in line with the training objectives.
Aims: This study aims to see how effective leadership training learning is in Echelon III officials in Palopo City.
Methodology: This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection through interviews with training alumni and also institutions involved in the implementation of the training, this data is supported by documents and observations. The process of data analysis through data reduction, data presentation as well as conclusions and verification.
Results: The result of this research shows that alumni of administrator leadership training for the period 2019 - 2022 are able to master the material conceptually and practically, but after the training ends, the knowledge is difficult to apply because the expected change action depends largely on the commitment of the training alumni.

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