J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
Journal of Population Therapeutics
& Clinical Pharmacology
Review Article
DOI: 10.15586/jptcp.v26.i4.646
Pharmacological Management of Osteoperosis in Postmenopausal Women: The
Current State of the Art
Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio
Rheumatology Unit, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
Corresponding author: E-mail: davide.gatti@univr.it
Submitted: 3 October 2019. Accepted: 31 October 2019. Published: 20 November 2019.
Osteoporosis is a common disease that increases fracture risk. Fragility fractures bring heavy conse-
quences in terms of mortality and disability, with burdensome health and social costs. In subjects with
clinical bone fragility, the rst goal is to identify the secondary forms of osteoporosis, especially in young
subjects, in males and in patients who recently experienced a fragility fracture. In addition, before con-
sidering any sort of treatment, it is fundamental to check for adequate calcium and vitamin D intake,
since their deciency is the most common reason for drug failure.
In the last decade of the 20th century, several molecules have been developed and proved to be effective
in achieving the true goal of any antiosteoporotic drug: fracture prevention.
In this article, we considered the most commonly prescribed antiresorptive drugs (hormonal therapy,
bisphosphonates, and denosumab), the anabolic agents (teriparatide), the dual-action drugs (romo-
sozumab), and the drugs characterized by an unclear mechanism of action (strontium ranelate) to pro-
vide physicians with useful insights for their clinical practice. We discussed the main criteria for the
appropriate choice selection and management of each treatment. Finally, we addressed the current con-
troversies related to treatment discontinuation, sequential, and combination therapy.
Keywords: osteoporosis; bone metabolism; bone mineral density; bisphosphonates; teriparatide;
alendronate; zoledronate; risedronate; clodronate; hormonal therapy; TSEC; denosumab; romosozumab;
strontium ranelate; combination therapy; sequential therapy
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
Osteoporosis is a chronic disease character-
ized by decreased bone mineral density (BMD)
and a deterioration of the bone micro-architec-
ture that leads to an increased risk of fragility
This condition is mainly found in post-
menopausal women, but it can also affect men,
patients with other comorbidities or who are
receiving treatment with drugs that affect bone
health (secondary osteoporosis). The denition
of osteoporosis in clinical practice is based on
BMD measurement assessed by dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry (DXA); the diagnosis is
made when the T-score at the femoral neck or
spine is 2.5 standard deviations (SD) or more
below the young adults mean.
In 2010, 22 million women and 5.5 million
men were estimated to be affected by osteoporo-
sis in Europe,
with 3.5 million new fragility frac-
tures in the same year (610,000 hip fractures,
520,000 vertebral fractures, 560,000 forearm frac-
tures, and 1,800,000 other fractures).
Fragility fractures are associated with heavy
consequences in terms of mortality and disabil-
ity, with burdensome health and social costs.
Their recovery is usually slow and often incom-
For these reasons, a large proportion of
fractured individuals is destined to lose function
and independence and to suffer from persistent
pain and decreased quality of life.
Due to the progressive aging of the general
population, the annual incidence of fragility frac-
tures is expected to rise from 3.5 million in 2010
to 4.5 million in 2025.
In the last three decades, pharmacological treat-
ments of osteoporosis have shown to be effective
and able to reduce the fracture risk by about 50%,
with consequent benets on the patients’ health sta-
Unfortunately, only a small proportion of
them is presently receiving adequate treatment.
In this article, we summarized the most rele-
vant data regarding the requirements for treat-
ment, different drug options, and the rationale of
sequential and combination therapy. We focused
on postmenopausal osteoporosis, which currently
is the most studied and common form of bone
fragility, with the aim of providing physicians
with useful insights for their clinical practice.
This article is a narrative overview on the
pharmacological treatment of postmenopausal
osteoporosis. When appropriated, the personal
opinions of the authors will be added in the text
and explicitly pointed out as such.
We used as sources MEDLINE/PubMed,
EMBASE, and Cochrane Library, from incep-
tion to 2019.
In addition, we hand-searched references from
the retrieved articles and explored a number of
related web sites. After discussion, we chose 68
relevant papers.
A careful diagnosis of the nature of osteopo-
rosis is fundamental for a correct treatment. A
large and increasing number of diseases and
drugs can contribute to bone fragility
and these
conditions often require specic treatment. For
these reasons, the rst goal of the physician
should always be to identify the secondary forms
of osteoporosis, especially in young subjects, in
males and in people with recent fractures. Referral
to a qualied specialist might be needed as well.
Another key requirement for therapy is an ade-
quate vitamin D status. Recently, some large trials
and meta-analyses concluded that vitamin D sup-
plementation has no benecial effects neither on
bone health, fracture risk nor falls,
but these
statements require a critical analysis that cannot
be limited to the raw results. As a matter of fact,
most of these studies investigated the effects of
vitamin D supplementation in healthy (nonosteo-
porotic) subjects, not at signicant risk for falling
and, overall, without any vitamin D deciency. In
such a scenario, data suggesting positive results
would be indeed unexpected. In any case, these
recent papers criticized the usefulness of vitamin
D supplementation with the goal to maintain or
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
improve musculoskeletal health in the general
population, but its role in patients receiving treat-
ment for osteoporosis is an entirely different topic.
It is well-known that, in these patients, adequate
calcium and vitamin D intake are essential, and
their deciency represents the most common rea-
son for lack of response to any treatment,
observation has been conrmed also in a recent
large retrospective study based on Italian admin-
istrative databases.
The study showed once again
that pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis
are associated with a lower risk for both refracture
and all-cause mortality to a greater extent when
they are administered in combination with cal-
cium and vitamin D.
The main goal of the treatment for osteoporo-
sis is to decrease fracture risk. This often implies
the reduction of systemic bone loss and the stabi-
lization or the increase of BMD.
From the last decade of the last century, several
molecules have been developed and proved effec-
tive in achieving these goals.
The mechanism of
action of the various drugs is dened by their rela-
tion to the bone cells on which they act (Table 1).
Hormonal erapy
The physiologic decline of estrogens in women
begins from 1 to 2 years before menopause and
reaches its plateau about 1 to 2 years after the
menses cessation.
The drop in estrogens explains
the quick rise in the rate of bone resorption and
therefore of bone loss, with an increase of the risk
of osteoporosis.
In young women in whom pre-
mature menopause is induced by surgery or cancer
treatments, the estrogen drop can be particularly
marked and its adverse effects (AEs) on bone loss
and fracture risk are therefore greater.
Estrogens are key determinants of skeletal
health due to their specic effects on bone metab-
olism. For instance, they inhibit bone resorption
by decreasing the signaling of the receptor activa-
tor of nuclear factor-κB (RANKL), they induce
gene expression and synthesis of osteoprotegerin
(OPG), and they block osteoclastogenesis and
promote osteoclasts’ apoptosis.
In addition,
estrogens inhibit bone remodeling and decrease
the development of new basic multicellular units,
probably by limiting osteocytes’ apoptosis and
their production of sclerostin,
a key inhibitor of
the Wnt pathway that is involved in the pathogen-
esis of osteoporosis.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was
routinely prescribed for primary prevention of
osteoporosis (independently of the presence of
menopausal symptoms) before the publication of
the Womens Health Initiative (WHI)
and of the
epidemiological UK-based Million Women
The results of these studies reported an
association between HRT and an increased risk
of breast and ovarian cancer. However, recent
evidence showed that estrogen-alone therapy was
not associated with any increase in mortality
TABLE 1. Drugs Available for the Treatment of Osteoporosis Classied by Mechanism of Action
Antiresorptive drugs: reducing the osteoclastic bone resorption
Estrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
• Bisphosphonates
• Denosumab
Anabolic drugs: increasing the osteoblastic bone formation activity
Dual-action drugs: increasing the osteoblastic bone formation activity and reducing the osteoclastic bone resorption
• Romosozumab
Drugs with unclear mechanism of action
Strontium ranelate
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
in the risk of breast cancer, even in the women
who carry the BRCA1 gene mutation.
We need to remember that, in females who
carry the BRCA1 mutation, the cumulative risk of
ovarian and breast cancer by age 80 is over 40 and
70%, respectively.
Prophylactic salpingo-oopho-
rectomy is currently the only strategy able to
reduce the risk of both cancers. Unfortunately, the
premature withdrawal of ovarian hormones
induced by this surgery causes long-term AEs that
can be avoided, or at least limited, with HRT with-
out a signicant increase in cancer incidence.
For this reason, there is now a large scientic con-
sensus that hormonal therapy at menopause rep-
resents an effective prevention strategy for
osteoporosis and fragility fractures, with an over-
all favorable benet to risk ratio when it is started
before 60 years of age and within 10 years from
the last menses.
The hormonal options available for the treat-
ment and prevention of postmenopausal bone
loss are HRT, tibolone, and SERMs.
The efcacy of HRT in reducing the inci-
dence of both vertebral and nonvertebral frac-
tures has been conrmed for almost 20 years.
The analysis of the intervention and postinter-
vention phases of large clinical trials showed a
different benet to risk prole when we compare
the data of estrogen plus progestin to estro-
gen-alone treated subjects.
These two hor-
monal treatments granted similar protection
from fractures and similar improvement in BMD
between them when compared to placebo, with a
better safety prole in women with prior hyster-
ectomy receiving the estrogen-alone treatment
both during the pharmacological intervention
and in the posttreatment follow-up period.
Furthermore, the breast cancer and cardiovas-
cular (CV) disease ndings tended to be worse in
the arm treated with the estrogen-progestin
combination, while no difference was found
between the placebo arm and the patients treated
with estrogen alone.
Tibolone, after oral ingestion, is metabolized
into three active molecules: two with estrogenic
action and one with androgen and progestin
Tibolone was shown to be as effective
as an estrogen–progestin combination treatment
in preventing postmenopausal bone loss and it
can also increase muscle strength and lean body
mass due to its androgen action.
Similar to
HRT, tibolone is recommended only in subjects
under 60 years of age, because the study that
involved older women (age range 60–80 years)
was prematurely stopped due to the evidence of
an increased risk of stroke in the treated arm.
Selective estrogen receptor modulators
(SERMs) are compounds with estrogen agonistic
activities on some tissues (i.e., on bone) and antag-
onistic actions on other tissues (i.e., on breast and
uterus), based on their different effects over differ-
ent estrogen receptors subtypes whose distribu-
tion is specic for each target tissue.
At present,
raloxifene (RLX), bazedoxifene (BZA) and laso-
foxifene (LSX) are the SERMs with documented
evidence of efcacy for postmenopausal osteopo-
They prevent bone loss and reduce the
incidence of vertebral osteoporotic fractures in
postmenopausal women.
To date, RLX has not been demonstrated to
reduce the risk of hip fractures at currently
approved doses, while BZA (20 mg/die), in a post
hoc analysis on a subgroup at high fracture risk,
succeeded in reducing the risk of nonvertebral
fracture both versus placebo and versus RLX (60
The post hoc nature of this analysis
called for caution in the interpretation of the
results until the publication of the 2-years exten-
sion of the same study.
At its conclusion, the
trial conrmed the protective effect of BZA on
new vertebral fractures in postmenopausal
women with osteoporosis and on nonvertebral
fractures in the high-risk subgroup.
In addition,
two meta-analyses performed an indirect com-
parison of the protective effect of BZA versus
oral bisphosphonates (BPs) and estimated a
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
similar efcacy on vertebral fractures and, in the
subgroup at higher fracture risk, also on nonver-
tebral events.
LSX has been approved in Europe for the
treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis after
a 5-year placebo-controlled randomized clinical
trial (RCT) showed its efcacy in decreasing the
risk of both new vertebral and nonvertebral frac-
tures (but not hip fractures).
Similar to HRT, SERMs can increase the risk
of venous thromboembolism (primarily deep
vein thromboses), but, differently from HRT, due
to their antagonist activity on the breast, SERMs
may decrease the risk of breast cancer.
This was
shown to be true particularly for RLX, which in
the United States is also approved for the preven-
tion of breast cancer.
No effect on endome-
trial proliferation is reported with RLX and BZA,
whereas an increase of endometrial thickness,
although without a real clinical signicance, is
associated with LSX.
In our opinion, SERMs are preferable to HRT
due to their better safety prole in the long-term
and can be considered a viable second-line treat-
ment for patients AEs related to oral BPs, particu-
larly for women under 65 years of age at risk for
vertebral fractures and at some risk for breast
SERMs represent also a possible rst-line
therapy after menopause for younger subjects
who are expected to receive treatment for many
years. Unfortunately, this opportunity is often
difcult to seize, because hot ushes are a com-
mon AE of these drugs, especially in younger
postmenopausal women within the rst year of
For this reason, SERMs are not rec-
ommended in women with vasomotor symptoms
and HRT is preferable instead.
The observation that SERMs (particularly
BZA) inhibit the effects of conjugated estrogens in
the uterus and mammary glands has opened the
way to a new strategy for the prevention of sys-
temic bone loss and the treatment of climacteric
symptoms: the SERM-estrogen combination, now
dened “tissue selective estrogen complex”
This strategy is noteworthy because
the addition of SERMs makes the progestin
unnecessary. Therefore, TSEC merges the positive
clinical effects of estrogens alone (as already seen,
they do not increase the risk of breast cancer),
with the efcacy and improved tolerability of
SERMs that antagonize their endometrial effects.
Presently, the combination of BZA (20 mg/day)
with conjugated estrogens (0.45 mg/day) is the
only one approved in the class of TSEC. The posi-
tive clinical outcomes of large RCTs support the
use of this combination therapy that can decrease
the frequency and severity of hot ushes, improve
symptoms of vulvar and vaginal atrophy and pre-
vent bone mass loss, independently of the number
of years from menopause.
BPs are the most widely used drugs for the pre-
vention and treatment of all kinds of osteoporo-
sis. They are approved, in both males and females,
also for the treatment of glucocorticoid-induced
osteoporosis (GIOP) and of antihormonal thera-
py-associated bone disease (i.e., androgen depri-
vation therapy and treatment with aromatase
These compounds have been used
for more than 25 years and several millions of
patients have been treated with BPs, and their
excellent safety prole is now well established.
It is therefore quite unlikely that new unexpected
side effects may be discovered in the future.
BPs are a large family of stable analogs of
pyrophosphate with a strong afnity for bone
apatite. BPs reduce the recruitment and activity
of mature osteoclasts and increase their apopto-
sis. Consequently, they act as potent inhibitors of
bone resorption and this is the rationale of their
use in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Several BPs have been approved for the treat-
ment of osteoporosis, such as alendronate (ALN),
risedronate (RIS), ibandronate (IBA), and
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
zoledronate (ZOL). All these drugs have shown not
only to increase BMD and bone strength but also
to be effective on a hard endpoint such as the reduc-
tion in the fracture incidence; indeed, their registra-
tion process was based on RCTs powered to detect
an effect on new vertebral fractures in patients with
moderate-to-severe osteoporosis.
Oral formulations are available for daily (ALN,
RIS), weekly (ALN, RIS), and monthly (IBA,
RIS) administration. Oral bioavailability of BPs is
very low, roughly 1% of the ingested dose, and it is
reduced by food (especially if rich in calcium). For
this reason, they must be ingested with plain water
on an empty stomach and after an overnight fast,
with a postdose fast of 30 to 60 minutes.
A more
recent (but still not widely available) delayed-re-
lease formulation of 35 mg risedronate (weekly
administration) can be taken before or immedi-
ately following breakfast, with a potential improve-
ment in adherence and persistence.
Two intravenous BPs have been licensed by the
European Medicines Agency for the treatment of
osteoporosis: IBA (administered every 3 months)
and ZOL (administered yearly). These options
are particularly interesting in subjects with AEs
related to oral BPs and in whom adherence to
chronic treatment might be an issue. To date,
comparative head-to-head RCTs with fracture
incidence as endpoint are not available, but if we
compare the results from each RCTs that investi-
gated each molecule, all compounds showed to
approximately halve the incidence of vertebral
fractures in patients affected by postmenopausal
On the contrary, the efcacy on nonvertebral
fractures, and particularly at the hip, differs con-
siderably across the various BPs.
However, this
observation can be largely explained from the dif-
ferent statistical power of the studies.
Regarding the better results obtained with i.v.
ZOL once yearly, they have been attributed to the
complete adherence of i.v. ZOL during the rst
year of treatment (100%) versus oral BPs
Despite these data, oral ALN and oral
RIS are still the most commonly prescribed BPs.
A large case-control analysis that involved more
than 90,000 patients, older than 80 years and with
previous history of fragility fractures, showed
that ALN signicantly reduces not only the hip
fracture risk (−34%) but also mortality (−12%).
Unfortunately, this treatment was also associ-
ated with a 58% increase in the risk of mild upper
gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms.
The GI side
effects are the most typical AEs associated with
oral BPs and may involve a large number of users
(about 25%).
However, of this 25%, less than 1%
require hospitalization due to GI bleeding.
Treatment with i.v. ZOL has also shown to
decrease mortality when given shortly after the
rst hip fracture
and, as expected, without GI
side effects. On the other hand, i.v. aminobis-
phosphonates (such as ZOL), in about 30% of
patients, can induce a transient acute phase reac-
tion characterized by ulike symptoms (fever,
myalgia, arthralgias, bone pain, headache, and
nausea). Usually, this undesired event occurs
within 24 hours after the rst drug administra-
tion and can be controlled by paracetamol or
nonsteroidal anti-inammatory and improves or
disappears within 3 days.
Major severe AEs with BPs are extremely rare.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a condition
characterized by long-lasting (>8 weeks) necrotic
exposed bone in the maxillofacial region associ-
ated with the use of antiresorptive drugs such as
BPs and denosumab (DMAb). ONJ has been
described in cancer patients receiving doses of
BPs (and DMAb) 10 times higher than subjects
with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Indeed, in
this latter scenario, ONJ is extremely rare (one
case every 100,000 patients/year) and its incidence
seems to be only slightly higher than the general
BPs and DMAb have been associated also with
an increased risk of atypical femoral fractures.
Atypical femoral fractures are transverse or short
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
cortical oblique fractures, occasionally associated
with periosteal thickening. However, this particu-
lar kind of fractures may also occur in treat-
ment-naïve subjects. The risk seems to rise with
the increase in the exposure to BPs (or DMAb)
and to decrease rapidly after its cessation.
In addition, atypical femoral fractures are
indistinguishable from those observed in patients
with other bone diseases characterized by bone
fragility, such as hypophosphatasia, osteopetro-
sis, or osteogenesis imperfect.
All these
remarks emphasize the key role of a correct diag-
nosis in each patient with bone fragility before
prescribing any pharmacological treatment and
they also suggest caution before considering a
longstanding antiresorptive treatment in patients
with baseline low-bone turnover states.
In any case, the incidence of atypical fractures
is extremely low (about 3–50 cases every 100,000
patients/year), and the excellent risk to benet
ratio of this drug class is out of the question.
Indeed, we need to consider the benet of the
treatment on the much more common typical hip
for every 100 atypical fractures pre-
vented by BPs, an increase of one single atypical
fracture has been calculated.
Caution is advised also with patients at risk of
kidney impairment, given that high doses of BPs
administered over a short period of time could
induce or worsen renal failure. Because of the
very low bioavailability of oral BPs (less than
1%), the serum concentration is so low that renal
damage is an issue only for the i.v. formulation.
For this reason, i.v. BPs are contraindicated in
patients with creatinine clearance lower than 60
For safety concerns, however, in this
kind of patients also the oral formulations should
be prescribed very carefully.
A possible association between BPs therapy
(especially i.v. ZOL) and atrial brillation has been
reported, but subsequent studies have produced
conicting results. Presently, the possibility of this
association cannot be completely excluded.
Clodronate is a relatively weak BP, widely avail-
able for the treatment of neoplastic bone disease
and licensed for the use in osteoporosis in only a few
The data about osteoporosis are not
conclusive, and the evidence of its efcacy is weaker
than the other BPs previously discussed.
RCTs showed the efcacy of 800 mg daily oral clo-
dronate in both increasing BMD and reducing the
incidence of vertebral fractures in women with
senile, postmenopausal, or secondary osteoporo-
In Italy, intramuscular clodronate is regis-
tered for postmenopausal osteoporosis and GIOP
on the basis of few low-quality studies.
Clodronate is usually prescribed in subjects at
low fracture risk or when all the other treatments
cannot be used. In conclusion, clodronate, espe-
cially when administered intramuscularly, should
not be currently considered a real option for oste-
oporosis treatment.
Like BPs, DMAb belongs to the antiresorptive
drugs class (Table 1). DMAb is a fully humanized
monoclonal antibody that neutralizes RANKL sig-
naling by interfering with its interaction with its
receptor located on the membrane of preosteoclasts
and mature osteoclasts (RANK). In this way, it
impairs the recruitment, maturation, and survival
of osteoclasts and leads to a stronger inhibition of
bone resorption than BPs.
Its potency and activity
at the cortical bone explain why DMAb is able to
induce greater increases in BMD than BPs both at
trabecular sites (i.e., at lumbar spine) and at cortical
ones (i.e., hip and radius).
The drug is adminis-
tered subcutaneously every 6 months at a dose of 60
mg. DMAb is not cleared by kidneys and therefore
it can be used also in patients with renal failure.
DMAb is also approved for treatment in males, in
GIOP and antihormonal therapy-associated bone
Long-term treatment determines sustained
increases in BMD (both at the spine and at
thehip), without any plateauing after 4 years of
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
treatment, as commonly seen with BPs. This fea-
ture could be a consequence of a greater activity
on cortical bone and/or of its unique effects on
Wnt inhibitors and in particular on Dkk-1.
In postmenopausal osteoporosis, over 3 years of
therapy, DMAb reduced the incidence of vertebral
fractures (−68%), hip fractures (−40%), and non-
vertebral fractures (−20%), without signicant
adverse events.
The yearly incidence of new frac-
tures (both vertebral and nonvertebral) remained
low also during the long extension trial that involved
a subgroup of women treated for further 7 years.
Due to its mechanism of action, discontinua-
tion of DMAb therapy is associated with a rapid
offset of action as soon as the drug is cleared
from the plasma.
For this reason, the positive
effects of DMAb on BMD are quickly reversible
after its discontinuation, with a return to pre-
treatment values within 12 to 18 months, inde-
pendently of the treatment duration, while bone
turnover markers increase above pretreatment
levels and then return to baseline values within 1
to 2 years after its discontinuation.
Recently, RANKL serum levels have been shown
to progressively increase after suspension of long-
term DMAb treatment, and this observation may
support the hypothesis of a sudden loss-of- inhibition
of the resting osteoclast line after DMAb clearance.
This rebound effect is associated with an increase in
fracture risk of vertebral fractures, while no increase
in nonvertebral fracture has been reported to date.
Therefore, in case of DMAb discontinuation, the
initiation of a different antiresorptive treatment
(such as BPs) should be considered to prevent, or at
least limit, this rapid bone loss.
DMAb is well tolerated. Few cases of ONJ
and atypical femoral fractures have been reported
to date and the same considerations already dis-
cussed for BPs apply.
Currently, teriparatide (TPD) is the sole anabolic
drug available for the treatment of osteoporosis
inEurope. TPD is the active 1–34 N-terminal frag-
ment of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its daily
subcutaneous administration produces anabolic
effects on the bone tissue. This occurs in contrast
with the well-known bone catabolic consequences
of chronic overproduction of PTH. As known, pri-
mary hyperparathyroidism is characterized predom-
inantly by the overstimulation of osteoclast’s
activity, while daily (pulsatile) pharmacological
PTH administration determines the predominance
of bone formation over bone resorption due to a
direct action on osteoblasts.
Treatment with TPD
has been shown to reduce signicantly the risk of
vertebral and nonvertebral fractures and its use is
strongly recommended in high-risk subjects and in
patients with previous history of vertebral fractures.
The data concerning TPD and GIOP are par-
ticularly intriguing. One clinical trial versus ALN
in patients treated with glucocorticoids showed
that TPD is more effective not only in improving
BMD but also in reducing the incidence of verte-
bral fractures.
These results support the prefer-
ential use of an anabolic agent over a traditional
antiresorptive drug in patients with GIOP. The
mechanistic explanation of the clinical evidence
may rely on the inhibitory effect of glucocorti-
coids on osteoblasts, a mechanism that, together
with the increase in bone resorption, explains their
severe negative effects on the quantity and quality
of bone.
In this setting, TPD should be consid-
ered the rst-line option for patients on long-term
glucocorticoid treatment with low BMD or with
previous history of osteoporotic fractures.
The duration of treatment with TDP is limited
to a maximum of 2 years and the decline of its
positive effects on bone formation (seen after 12
to 24 months) seems to be dependent on the reg-
ulation of the Wnt pathway and the overproduc-
tion of its inhibitor Dkk-1.
The most commonly reported AEs of TPD are
nausea, pain in limbs, dizziness, and headache.
addition, cases of moderate hypercalcemia and
hypercalciuria have been reported but they are
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
usually asymptomatic and only rarely request the
cessation of the treatment.
Besides TPD, other peptides of the PTH family
are abaloparatide (currently still in development)
and the 1 to 84 intact molecule (whose marketing
authorization has not been conrmed).
Overall, all these agents are contraindicated in
severe kidney impairment and in all diseases
characterized by increased bone turnover and/or
hypercalcemia, such as primary hyperparathy-
roidism, Paget’s disease of bone, malignancies, or
bone metastasis.
Studies on rats chronically exposed to very
high doses of TPD have reported an increased
incidence of osteosarcoma. However, the analysis
of the pivotal clinical trial and the postmarketing
surveillance did not show any increased risk of
osteosarcoma with the doses of TPD presently
used in humans (which are much smaller by rela-
tive comparison).
Unfortunately, despite these
safety data, the TPD Summary of Product still
includes a warning for physicians and patients
about this unproven complication.
Romosozumab (RMZ) is a humanized mono-
clonal antibody that acts by blocking sclerostin, a
molecule almost exclusively expressed by osteo-
cytes and one of the main inhibitors of the Wnt
canonical pathway.
As known, this pathway plays a key role in
bone metabolism. On one hand, it promotes
osteoblastogenesis and directly contributes to the
differentiation, proliferation, and survival of
On the other, it enhances the expres-
sion of OPG by indirectly inhibiting osteo-
clast-mediated bone resorption.
sclerostin is an important negative regulator of
bone formation with a potential key role in the
pathogenesis of disuse osteoporosis.
In addition
to its antianabolic role, it enhances the catabolic
activity on the bone tissue through the up-regula-
tion of RANKL expression.
For all these reasons, RMZ represents the rst
true dual-action agent: it increases osteoblastic
bone formation by enhancing Wnt canonical sig-
naling and reduces osteoclastic bone resorption
by unbalancing the OPG/RANKL ratio (in favor
of OPG).
The dual action of RMZ was already remark-
able in the phase I study, in which it showed an
impressive (dose-dependent) increase in the
markers of bone formation (+70 to 140%),
simultaneous with a less considerable, but statis-
tically signicant, dose-dependent decrease in
the markers of bone resorption (−15 to −50%).
This interesting dual activity can explain the
extraordinary effects on BMD that overtake
what seen with any other osteoporosis treat-
ment, TPD included.
The unique metabolic effect of long-term RMZ
treatment is limited to the rst 12 months of
therapy. Markers of bone formation increase
immediately after the rst RMZ injection and
reach their peak after the rst month. Thereafter,
they decrease and return to baseline within
9months and they eventually reach values signi-
cantly lower than baseline after the 12th month.
Interestingly, during the second year of RMZ,
the serum levels of both bone formation and
bone resorption markers remained below their
This may suggest that, within the rst
year of treatment, RMZ acts as a true dual- action
drug, but later on it probably works just as a bone
turnover inhibitor, without any further anabolic
Notably, the BMD gain, which is outstanding
in the rst year of treatment, is less relevant
during the second year of RMZ. An increase in
BMD similar to the rst year of treatment has
been shown only in the subgroup of women who
were then randomized to receive DMAb for an
additional year.
For these reasons, the phase III trial (FRAME
trial) investigated the effects of subcutaneous
monthly injections of RMZ for 12 months versus
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
placebo, followed by treatment with DMAb
(administered in both arms).
The effects on
fracture incidence within these 12 months were
remarkable: the incidence of vertebral fractures
was reduced by 73% and of clinical fractures by
36%. At 24 months, after the switch to DMAb,
the incidence of new vertebral fractures remained
signicantly lower in the RMZ group (−75%).
AEs incidence was balanced between the
groups. In the RMZ group, a single atypical fem-
oral fracture and two cases of ONJ were reported
among the 3,500 treated subjects.
After the publication of the results of the RCT
comparing RMZ and ALN (ARCH trial), con-
cerns were raised about a possible increased CV
risk associated with the use of RMZ.
The inci-
dence of severe CV events resulted higher in the
RMZ group versus the ALN group, despite a
similar CV risk at baseline.
It should be noted,
however, that RMZ was not associated with any
increase of the CV risk in the previous and larger
FRAME trial,
in which RMZ was compared
with placebo. Indeed, the increase in CV events in
the RMZ group might be explained by the pro-
tective CV effects of ALN (and of amino-BPs in
general), as already reported several times.
Strontium ranelate
Strontium ranelate (SrR) is an oral medication
that has been approved in Europe for the treatment
of postmenopausal osteoporotic women.
mechanism of action is still not completely under-
stood, but the RCTs showed its efcacy in reducing
the risk of vertebral and nonvertebral fractures
respectively after 3 and 5 years of treatment.
A consistent increase in the risk of venous
thromboembolism has been documented in the
registration trials and, during the postmarketing
surveillance, rare but severe dermatological reac-
tions were also reported, with consequent limita-
tions to its clinical use.
During the long-term
postapproval surveillance safety analyses, the
increased risk of pulmonary embolism and
myocardial infarction was conrmed and thus, in
2014, the EMA restricted its use to patients
affected by severe osteoporosis who cannot be
treated with different medications and in whom
the risk of fracture overwhelmingly exceeds the
CV risk.
Treatment discontinuation
BPs, in particular ALN and ZOL, are the drugs
with the most persistent “tail effect” concerning
bone turnover after their discontinuation.
antifracture efcacy is only partially lost after
treatment discontinuation for several months.
Unfortunately, the impact of the discontinuation
of the other drug classes is very different.
After suspension of hormonal therapy, bone
turnover and bone loss return to pretreatment
levels within few weeks. Therefore, reassessment
of fracture risk and of the opportunity of resum-
ing treatment itself is strongly warranted.
TPD is strongly recommended in severe osteo-
porosis, but the regulatory authorities limited the
treatment duration to a maximum of 2 years.
There is now a very large agreement about the
absolute need for the start of an antiresorptive
agent soon after the conclusion of the TPD treat-
ment cycle to avoid the quick rebound on BMD.
Sequential administration of ALN, ZOL, or
DMAb after TPD have been associated to further
BMD gains; however, the effects on fracture risk
reduction are to date still speculative.
In patients treated with DMAb, its discontinu-
ation is followed by an overshoot in bone turn-
over, with accelerated bone loss and increased
fracture risk.
The best exit strategy to adopt after
DMAb discontinuation is still unclear and large
randomized and active-controlled trials are war-
ranted to investigate this key topic. Presently, BPs
are recommended by most experts as the prefera-
ble choice to prevent or at least limit the rebound
effects of DMAb discontinuation.
As already discussed, RMZ has a peculiar mech-
anism of action and combines the stimulation of
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
bone formation with the inhibition of bone resorp-
tion. Unfortunately, the benets in terms of BMD
are lost after its discontinuation.
Hence, sequential
treatment with antiresorptives is required, as it was
scheduled in its RCTs.
Sequential erapy
In these last decades, the number of drugs
available for the treatment of osteoporosis has
grown exponentially. The development of novel
and more potent antiresorptives (such as DMAb
and ZOL), bone anabolic agents (such as TPD),
and antisclerostin antibody (such as RMZ) deter-
mined a substantial growth in the eld. As already
discussed, the discontinuation of many of these
therapies (DMAb, TPD, and RMZ) requires the
initiation of another treatment in order to avoid
the loss of the BMD gains. Furthermore, a treat-
ment switch might need to be recommended also
in patients who experience a new fragility fracture
despite already being on osteoporosis medica-
tions, or in case of tolerability or adherence issues.
The different mechanisms of action of osteo-
porosis drugs strongly inuence the cumulative
effects of the possible sequential and/or combina-
tion approaches and should guide the physician
to the choice of the correct treatment.
Hereby we will briey discuss the different
opportunities presently available for sequential
Antiresorptive agents aer antiresorptive agents
Sequential treatment with different antire-
sorptive agents might be required when:
a patient discontinues DMAb and there is the
necessity to limit the rebound effect
poor compliance with ongoing oral BP therapy
occurrence of a new fragility fracture during
treatment with oral BPs.
As already mentioned, to prevent or at least
limit the rebound effect of DMAb discontinua-
tion, BPs are presently considered the best choice.
Injectable treatments such as DMAb and
ZOL may solve GI issues associated with oral
BPs and may also improve the adherence to the
treatment with their more deferred administra-
tion schedule.
In the case of new fractures occurring during
treatment with oral BPs, ZOL might represent a
possible choice, given its 100% adherence on the
rst year of therapy. DMAb might be considered
as well due to its stronger inhibition of bone turn-
over and the greater BMD increases at all skeletal
sites, even when compared to ZOL.
Antiresorptive agents aer agents with
In patients with high fracture risk, the use of
anabolic drugs seems the most appropriate for its
quick reduction.
As already discussed, treatment with drugs
characterized by anabolic effects is limited to 12
(RMZ) or 24 months (TPD), and their benets
can be preserved only through the initiation
antiresorptive agents as soon as possible after
their discontinuation.
Therefore, prompt treat-
ment with antiresorptives after bone anabolic
agents is recommended.
Anabolic agents aer antiresorptive agents
The choice of an anabolic agent as the rst-line
therapy is not often possible due to its high cost, but
it is recommended in patients who experience a new
fragility fracture despite BPs therapy. Unfortunately,
there is some evidence suggesting that the effective-
ness of anabolic medications might be impaired
when started after prolonged exposure to antire-
sorptive drugs.
Indeed, when patients on long-
term potent antiresorptive treatments are switched
to TPD, hip BMD tends to decline for at least 12
months, especially when the antiresorptive is
Therefore, the switch from antiresorptive
drugs to an anabolic agent, a quite common sce-
nario in clinical practice, is not currently supported
by much evidence. How can we manage these
patients? Combination therapy might be an answer.
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin PharmacolVol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
Combination erapy
The dual action of RMZ demonstrates the
effectiveness of the association of strong stimula-
tion on bone formation with powerful inhibition
on bone resorption. Currently, no other drug
administered alone can act in this manner, but a
similar therapeutic framework could be obtained
by combining two different treatments and there is
evidence to support this possibility. An interesting
comparison between patents who switched from
ALN to TPD versus those who added TPD to
ongoing ALN, showed a greater benet of combi-
nation therapy on BMD and strength at the hip.
Another small study compared the changes of
bone turnover markers in patients treated with
DMAb versus TPD versus a third therapeutic
scheme: TPD added to ongoing DMAb (TPD
was started 3 months after DMAb).
The results
showed that the effects of TPD on bone turnover
markers were not blunted by prior and concur-
rent DMAb administration. In the combination
arm of the study, the increase in markers of bone
formation was observed quite earlier than the
increase in the ones of bone resorption.
remark supported the hypothesis of a consequent
wider anabolic window of the concurrent treat-
ment than TPD alone.
The favorable metabolic prole of the combi-
nation therapy (DMAb plus TPD) found conr-
mation in the DATA-Switch study.
This study
compared the effects on BMD of three different
therapeutic schemes: DMAb administered after
TPD, TPD after DMAb, and the combination
of the two medications given concurrently for
2years, followed by DMAb alone.
The results
conrmed that TPD to DMAb sequential ther-
apy is signicantly superior than DMAb to TPD.
At the end of the study, the TPD to DMAb arm
achieved similar BMD benets at the lumbar
spine compared to TPD plus DMAb combina-
tion therapy, but the latter reached the BMD
peak 12 months earlier than sequential treatment.
Besides, if we consider the BMD gains at total
hip, the combination arm showed the greatest
benets overall.
Obviously, these results regard only BMD
measurements and currently there is no data on
fracture incidence. However, it is noteworthy that
maximum BMD effects can be reached with an
anabolic agent (such as TPD or RMZ) followed
by an antiresorptive and that the combined
DMAb plus TPD regimen seems to provide the
greatest skeletal benets to patients with estab-
lished osteoporosis.
Like RMZ, combination
therapy of DMAb plus TPD should be consid-
ered for patients with severe osteoporosis who are
at the highest risk of imminent fragility fracture.
Our recent improvements in the knowledge of
the RANK/RANKL/OPG and the Wnt/beta-cat-
enin pathways have led us to the development of
DMAb and RMZ.
In our opinion, RMZ represents a new era
and, as previously discussed, it is likely to open a
new scenario in the management of the imminent
fracture risk, a concept that could be considered
born and raised with RMZ itself. It cannot be
excluded that further biotechnological agents
interfering with the inhibitors of the Wnt/
beta-catenin pathway (i.e., Dkk-1) will be devel-
oped in the future. However, preclinical studies
evaluating the effects of monoclonal antibodies
to Dkk-1 as potential treatment for osteoporosis
have not shown encouraging results to date.
Other possible approaches in the future might
include stem cells transplantation, antisenescence
agents, and drugs that target specic osteoblast
pathway but, unfortunately, the relating research
is still in its very early stages.
In our opinion, the low costs and the good
effectiveness of many currently available thera-
pies (i.e., BPs) will not encourage large investment
in the eld of osteoporosis. For this reason, the
drugs that are going to be developed in the future
will be likely limited to a small proportion of
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
patients affected by the most severe form of
On the contrary, we hope that the reduction in
the costs of TPD (due to the expiration of its pat-
ent) is going to encourage clinicians to prescribe
both the sequential and the combined approach.
Several pharmacological treatments are avail-
able for osteoporosis. The challenge is to identify
the optimal treatment for each patient. Indeed,
all the different drugs have specic features that
make them more or less preferable for each
patient. A possible owchart based on the opin-
ion of the authors is presented in Table 2.
Hormonal therapy is particularly indicated in
women younger than 60 years old, within 10 years
from their last menses, at risk for osteoporosis
and without known risk factors for thromboem-
bolism. In the presence of symptoms of meno-
pause (hot ushes, vulvar and vaginal atrophy,
etc.), HRT and TSEC are preferable. For protec-
tion from breast cancer risk, SERMs (RLX in
particular) are more indicated.
Bisphosphonates (BPs). Oral BPs are widely
available and should be considered the rst-line
treatment for most patients with mild to moder-
ate osteoporosis. ZOL is the rst choice in
patients with intolerance to oral formulations or
when they are contraindicated. ZOL, due to its
yearly regimen and the long-tail effect can be
also useful in patients with adherence issues.
ZOL is contraindicated in patients with impaired
kidney function.
Denosumab (DMAb) is preferable in patients
who do not tolerate oral BPs or when they are
contraindicated. As a side note, DMAb is not
contraindicated in the presence impaired kidney
function. DMAb can be also considered in
patients incurring a new fragility fracture while
already on treatment with BPs due to its stronger
inhibition of bone turnover.
TABLE 2 Proposed Flowchart for Treatment Selection in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
1. Primary prevention of fractures in osteoporotic postmenopausal women
Women, 50–60 years old, without risk factors for thromboembolism
 First choice: hormonal therapy
 Second choice: oral bisphosphonates
Women over 60 years old, or with risk factors for thromboembolism, or unwilling to begin hormonal
 First choice: oral bisphosphonates
  Second choice: (i.e., in case of low compliance or tolerability of oral bisphosphonates) intravenous
bisphosphonates or denosumab
2. Secondary prevention of fractures in postmenopausal women
Women with a single osteoporotic vertebral or nonhip fracture
 First choice: oral bisphosphonates
  Second choice: (i.e., in case of low compliance or tolerability of oral bisphosphonates) intravenous
bisphosphonates or denosumab
Women with a more than one osteoporotic vertebral or previous hip fracture
 First choice: teriparatide
 Second choice: denosumab or bisphosphonates
3. Patients with severe osteoporosis who experienced a new vertebral fracture during treatment with
First choice: add a treatment with teriparatide or start romosozumab
  Second choice: denosumab or intravenous bisphosphonates (in patients previously treated with oral
Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol Vol 26(4):e1–e17; 20 November 2019.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial 4.0 International License. ©2019 Davide Gatti and Angelo Fassio.
Teriparatide (TPD) is strongly recommended
in severe osteoporosis, especially in the presence
of history of vertebral fractures and for the man-
agement of GIOP. Its use is limited to 24 months
of therapy and its benets are maintained only if
followed by an antiresorptive agent. Therefore,
prompt treatment with these agents is recom-
mended after TPD discontinuation.
Romosozumab (RMZ) represents the rst true
dual-action drug. Its unique metabolic effect is
limited to the rst 12 months of therapy and after
that a sequential treatment with antiresorptive
agents is needed. The BMD effects of RMZ are
superior to any other osteoporosis treatment
already in the rst few months of therapy, with an
impressive effect on fracture risk in the rst year.
For these reasons, it is recommended in patients
with severe osteoporosis at high risk for imminent
fragility fracture.
Davide Gatti reports personal fees from
Abiogen, Celgene, Eli-Lilly, Janssen, Pzer, UCB,
and BMS, outside the submitted work.
Angelo Fassio reports personal fees from
Abiogen and Novartis, outside the submitted work.
is article does not contain any studies with
human participants or animals performed by
any of the authors.
For this type of study, formal consent is not
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